Your responsibility as a CEO or Business Owner is to really preach the cause of the company.
Not to just sell the product.
So that all the people that join your company understands what it is that you want to accomplish.
The secret lies in your individual staff.
But staff needs a leader.
And leadership is a skill. A practical learned skill.
But most people confuse leadership with management.
It’s not the same thing!
So, your company might make a profit, but who is working for you?
You can build an empire with the right staff, so don’t underestimate the importance of evaluating your WELLNESS as a business or a company.
Corporate Functioning
Staff Appointments
Screening Inventory
Work Values
Positive & Negative Functioning
Leadership Qualities
Emotional Functioning
Interpersonal Functioning
Employ the right people
Promote the most deserving
Optimize your profit margin, automatically